Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) Solely Focused on Federal Employment Law

OWCP Attorneys with Offices in the Tampa Bay Area

Protecting the Rights of Injured Federal Employees

If you suffer an injury in connection with your job as a federal employee, understandably you might be concerned about your future. Depending on the severity of your injury, you may be temporarily or permanently unable to perform your job responsibilities. You may also be concerned about the costs of emergency medical care and continuing treatment, especially if your condition requires long-term rehabilitation or medication.

The Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) is the division of the United States Department of Labor responsible for federal workers’ compensation. OWCP assists all federal workers throughout the United States, and federal workers’ compensation is unaffected by state laws.

Do not hesitate to call our experienced OWCP attorneys at (813) 437-4447 or contact us online for a free consultation.

Trusted Tampa Bay Area Lawyers for OWCP Claims and Appeals

Our Tampa Bay Area OWCP lawyers at Legal Lion Employment Law Firm can help you obtain the federal workers’ compensation approval that you will need to:

  • Obtain financial coverage for medical treatment
  • Leave from work
  • Or compensation for permanent impairments whether caused by a single event or the result of an occupational disease

What Should You Do if Your Workers' Comp Claim Is Denied?

If you have had a claim denied – do not fret. We can assist federal workers throughout the United States with appealing claims, which happens often when an employee is not represented, and we are intimately familiar with how to effectively resolve denied claims.

Our team can also assist you in navigating modified job offers and exploring whether a long-term or permanent injury qualifies you for OPM disability retirement benefits. Our team will serve as your advocate throughout the process and will not rest until you get the compensation that you need.

What Are the Benefits of Filing an OWCP Claim?

An OWCP claim can provide you with the compensation you need to recover in the aftermath of an on-the-job accident. The specific benefits you will be eligible for will depend on the extent of your injuries or illness as well as the nature of your federal employment position.

Our OWCP attorneys practicing out of the Tampa Bay Area can help you pursue numerous types of benefits, including:

  • Compensation for healthcare costs, including any prescription drugs necessary to your recovery
  • Compensation for temporary or permanent loss of income, including situations where your injuries mandate that you only work part-time
  • Compensation for a permanent disability
  • Vocational rehabilitation if your injuries result in your inability to return to your previous position
  • Disability retirement benefits if your injuries result in your inability to return to work at all

Managing Denials of Federal Workers’ Compensation Claims

When OWCP rejects your request for federal workers’ compensation, you have a right to appeal the decision. An appeal will not involve litigation and will instead be handled administratively by a hearing officer, claims examiner reviewing a request for reconsideration and any new evidence provided, or the Employees’ Compensation Appeals Board (ECAB), depending on which appeal route is most effective for your unique claim.

How Legal Lion Employment Law Firm Can Help

Our team has substantial experience appealing OWCP decisions and can guide you through the entirety of the process. We will assist in the documentation of any new evidence and help you file the appropriate documentation and paperwork.

If you are a federal employee who has been injured on the job, call our experienced OWCP attorneys at (813) 437-4447 or contact us online to secure your benefits.

Navigating Modified Job Offers

You may be told that you can and must return to work even if you have not fully recovered. You may receive an offer to return to your position with limited or modified job responsibilities should your healthcare team determine that you no longer have a disability. These modified job offers must be handled carefully, as declining them can lead to your losing your federal employment benefits.

We can help you manage:

  • Modified job offers
  • Protect your benefits
  • And ensure that you can continue your recovery process

Our team will represent you in all communications and assist you in obtaining and preparing the documentation needed to safely refuse the offer.

How To Qualify for OPM Disability Retirement Benefits

If you have suffered permanent or long-term injuries that prevent you from performing your job responsibilities, you may be eligible for OPM disability retirement benefits. You must have been federally employed for a minimum of 18 months prior to the incident and the injury or condition must be anticipated to impact your abilities for at least 1 year.

We can determine if you qualify for OPM disability retirement benefits and help you secure the benefits and support to which you are entitled. We can also assist you in appealing an adverse decision if your application is denied.

How Long Do You Have To File a Claim?

A federal employee generally has 30 days to report an on-the-job injury to their employer. While most circumstances permit a federal employee up to 3 years to file a claim, it is important that the employee make all appropriate notification within the first 30 days to preserve their ability to file an OWCP claim if necessary.

You can still generally pursue an OWCP claim even if you no longer work for the federal government so long as you are otherwise within the statute of limitations and the injury-inducing incident took place while you were federally employed.

If You Have Been Injured as a Federal Employee, Hire Accomplished Legal Representation

Submitting an OWCP claim involves providing evidence and documentation of the incident and how it contributed to your injury or occupational illness. Knowing what forms to submit, who to submit them to, and how best to present your case can in and of itself be an overwhelming component of the process as the OWCP has rigid guidelines for all claims and improperly filed claims can subject employees to years of delays in an already lagging system. We can work with you to understand the circumstances of your workplace accident and can guide you through the submittal of your claim.

When you suffer injuries on-the-job, you deserve to be fairly and promptly compensated. We are compassionate to the stresses that our clients can endure when they are injured at work and are worried about how they will provide for themselves and their families. Our Tampa Bay Area OWCP lawyers at Legal Lion Employment Law Firm can work with you to overcome obstacles that jeopardize your OWCP claim and can give you the support you need in navigating what can be an unnecessarily bureaucratic process.

We assist federal employees throughout the United States with OWCP claims. Schedule a free initial consultation with our team by calling (813) 437-4447 or contacting us online.

Why Clients Continue to Choose Us

  • Direct Legal Access

    Clients will interact with our attorneys directly instead of office staff and paralegals.

  • Free Consultations

    Free Consultations are available for every situation without time restraints.

  • Cost Effective

    We keep costs low and effective for all of our clients. It is more important for us to help federal employees in need of guidance and advice.

  • Available Outside Business Hours

    We make ourselves available outside of business hours upon request.  

The Intricacies of Federal Employment Law Are Vast & Complex

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